Iron Maura




By Maura Macaulay




What is Iron?

Iron is a metal. It is magnetic, solid at room temperature, and it rusts  very easily.


What is Iron's Atomic Number?

Iron's atomic number is 26. This means that in the nucleus of one atom of iron, there are 26 protons.


What is Iron's Atomic Mass? 

The average atomic mass of iron is 55.845. This means that on average, one atom of iron will have 26 protons and 29.845 neutrons in its nucleus.


Objects Containing Iron

Iron is everywhere! An alloy of iron is steel, which is usually made up of iron and carbon. It is used in  countless objects, including kitchen appliances, bridges and nails. Iron is used quite often because it is relatively cheap, and it has many alloys with desirable properties (high tensile strength, extreme hardness, etc.) Another alloy of iron is iron sulfide, more commonly known as fool's gold.  Iron is also in us! Iron is in the core of the protein hemoglobin, which transports oxygen throughout our bodies. 



Fun Facts About Iron

Iron is the only element to have had an Age named after it!

People who don't ingest enough iron become anemic. Some symptoms of anemia are becoming tired, pale, short of breath, developing odd food cravings, brittle nails, and becoming susceptible to headaches.

Iron is the 9th most common element in the universe! 

Iron is one of the 3 naturally occuring ferromagnetic elements. 


The Amazing Iron Girl!

By Maura Macaulay





Steel Wire:

Fool's Gold:
